• Returned and Edited

    Since returning from our trip to the USA I have read and edited the errors in the blogs and added photos. Each blog was written at the end of each day, just before I lay my head on the pillow, not surprisingly in my rush to visit the land of dreams quite a few typos… Continue Reading

  • NY-3

    Woke to a slightly warmer morning than yesterday. After a couple of coffees the first task was to go on-line with my tablet (very fast, free WiFi in the room) and check in on our flight this evening. With that accomplished, I took our passports etc. from the safe deposit box in reception and then… Continue Reading

  • NY-2

    We woke for 8am to a bright blue sky and what looked like a cold day. We were not wrong, the temperature remained around -2 until late in the afternoon when it crept up to +2. After a couple of cups off coffee we enquired at the Concierge Desk as to where we could catch… Continue Reading

  • NY-1

    After an excellent show the previous night, we returned to our cabin, finished packing and put our cases in the corridor in readiness for the crew to store them. We woke, showered and dressed at 6am and were in break fast for 6.30am in the Lido with a surprising number of other passengers. After our… Continue Reading

  • QE-8

    A storm blew up during the night and woke us both up with the increased rocking motion of the ship. However, when we woke up again the sea was calm with no evidence of any maelstrom other than a wet balcony. After breakfast in the Britannia restaurant we took a turn a round the deck,… Continue Reading

  • QE-7

    Choppy sea this morning. Breakfast was taken in the waiter service, Britannia restaurant. We shared a table for six with knowledgeable multi-cruisers from the UK. It is interesting to hear of other passengers escapades, tips and warnings about cruising. I had a splendid breakfast of banana bread followed by haddock, eggs Benedict on muffins and… Continue Reading

  • QE-6

    QE-6 We woke at 7.30am to clear skies and a calm sea. Breakfast was taken in the Lido and conscious of the effort it took to tighten my belt I made the effort to reduce the portion size I placed on my plate, though I spoiled it later by returning to the buffet and pigging… Continue Reading

  • QE-5

    After what has been the most restful night of the voyage, the only incident being where we ran over a very large whale, briefly rousing me from my slumber, I was surprised to learn that Sue had slept fitfully. On stepping onto the balcony I could see why. I scanned a scene of heaving and… Continue Reading

  • QE-4

    After another night of rock and roll, which we both surprisingly managed to survive with a fair bit of sleep, I woke early. Not intentionally, but unlike Sue who paid fastidious attention to all shipboard announcements I hadn’t re-set my watch back yet another hour. To compound this I ventured onto the balcony at the… Continue Reading

  • QE-3

    Well, what a night! I am glad we are on such a huge ship and the decision by the Captain to deviate some 250 miles south of our intended route to avoid a Force 10 storm. Even so, the rock and roll of the ship with random thuds made for a restless night. Around 1am… Continue Reading