• Aye, eye!

    22/03/21 UK Deaths: 17. Harborough Infected: 70.  Last week I rang Leicester General Hospital for an appointment to investigate a problem I was having with the vision in my left eye. It was a re-occurrence of a problem I had a few years ago and was stabilised with several injections of Lucentis. Today, I caught the… Continue Reading

  • Nonsense

    15/03/21 UK Deaths: 64. Harborough Infected: 67. Germany and Italy joined Norway, Netherlands and Belgium in halting the use of AstraZeneca’s corona-virus vaccine after reported blood clotting incidents. Having listened on the BBC World Service to the Norwegian Medic responsible for pausing the vaccinations, admitting that the incidents of blood clotting were normal occurrences in the population,… Continue Reading

  • Easing up on lock-down with Mother’s Day

    08/03/21 UK Deaths: 65. Harborough Infected: 75. The ‘Declaration to Travel’ form comes into effect today, with passengers travelling overseas from England now required to complete and carry the exit permit. Ellis and Lucas started back to school today, both will be having two Covid tests a week; Ellis will be having his at home… Continue Reading

  • Hmmmmm….

    01/03/21 UK Deaths: 104. Harborough Infected: 199. In complete contrast to yesterday, we met up with Sarah, Lee and Alice in Welford for a short walk on a very misty and bitterly cold morning. Not surprisingly we met a few people braving the miserable conditions on our 1.8-mile amble with a single Geocache find. They… Continue Reading