• Bury St. Edmunds

    Where did autumn go? Where are the frosts, the wind, the falling leaves? True, I have collected enough to fill one bin and yes, some of the trees in the garden are changing colour, but most are still green and dandy. Daytime temperatures seem to be fixed around 15 degrees and at night I have yet… Continue Reading

  • And the rain came.

    Another bright sunny morning, though there was a stiff breeze which added to the chill factor as we poked our noses out onto the balcony to savour the view. After a late breakfast we packed our small suitcases, checked out at reception and  stored them away in a small room provided for the purpose. I booked… Continue Reading

  • Gerald Durrell

    Another gorgeous day. How lucky we have been with the October weather. As we stood on the balcony,  gazing out to sea before breakfast, we watched several swimmers plough what must at least be a half mile across the bay. They were a little too far out to see if they were wearing wetsuits, but… Continue Reading

  • Jersey

    We went to bed last night to the sound of the sea washing up against the sea wall some three stories below. A nice way to fall asleep. Like Martin Luther king, Sue had a dream. It was about rabbits, Jamie had acquired another one and it was brown, apparently I had shut the garage… Continue Reading

  • And next….

    Since returning from Canada, the Palmers, like the rest of the world seem to be on a wind-down for 2016. With Brmoaners and Brexiteers hogging the national news and the Trump v Clinton show monopolizing the international  scene, it seems that the year is going to be remembered for the vitriol that only our species… Continue Reading

  • Calgary and back.

    It rained heavily in the night. We had two rumbles of thunder and  there may have been more, but rain on a motor home makes for a very noisy affair and little else can be heard when it comes down hard. Surprisingly we slept well, particularly Jamie who confessed he heard nothing at all. We woke… Continue Reading

  • Calgary -8

    A comfortable nights sleep, punctuated only once (from what I remember) by wailing ghost trains. Another lovely day, the sun shining down on our picture postcard surroundings. I think we are beginning to take this scene for granted, on my walk to the shower block I didn’t stop once to stare at some feature of… Continue Reading