• Sarah has a birthday

    It looks like winter has returned. Outside it is cold, windy, raining heavily and there has been snow ‘up north’. After last weeks ‘promise of summer’, the vegetables and fruit in the allotment put on a growth spurt and now (no doubt) like me are bitterly disappointed that the weather forecast is for similar over… Continue Reading

  • Out and about.

    The weather has continued to pick up making excursions outside so much more pleasurable than the last 12 months. I have been slowly pointing up the patio slabs and my technique has improved to the point that you can see where I first started, where I am now and where I have to go back… Continue Reading

  • Well I never!

    Nan has started a course of Vitamin B12 injections. Due to her Diabetes she is short of it and it has to be taken straight to the blood, so every couple of days it is off to the Doc’s for a quick jab. There are 6 over 2 weeks to start with and then it… Continue Reading